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Combined Travel Deals & Offers

Combines travel deals can work out to your benefit; many travel deals offer rewards for purchasing a deal through their company. Here are a few of the many benefits that a travel agency may offer!

All Meals and Fine Dining Free Package: Depending on the quality of restaurants on individual resorts this package could greatly work out. Most high-end resorts have a selection of 10 or more restaurants; some even offer authentic island dining experiences.

Accommodation Packages: This would better be described as the “spoiled package” as it usually includes concierge service for your every whim. This package usually also includes the best comfort accommodations that would allow you to stay in your hotel for your entire trip if you so desired.

Wedding & Honeymoon Packages: Most travel agencies offer this option to keep the bride and groom occupied instead of worrying about all of the big and small details of wedding planning. For honeymoons they usually have tickets that are ready to use at anytime so lovebirds can be entertained entirely.

Scuba Diving & Water Sport Packages: Usually offers diving lessons and unlimited diving with all the equipment you need for the experience.

Golf Packages: For all of the golfers who love a beautiful day of relaxing golf; unlimited green fees are usually included in these packages. Many of the packages also include an incentive such as ‘free gift certificate’ to the club golf store.

Variety Packages: These packages are for resorts that have several locations and for those who like to get-away often. This package allows you to have a fixed rate for staying at any and all of their resorts anytime. This resort usually holds an initially heft fee but pays off if you use the package.

All Inclusive Fee Coverage Package: This package will usually cover your round-trip airfare, buses, all tips, gratuities and hotel taxes.

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